Dear Colleagues;

For the 6th Veterinary Medicine Emergency and Intensive Care Tuvecca Congress, we will come together on December 4-7, 2024 at Titanic Delux Hotel, Antalya.

After your interest in the 5th Veterinary Medicine Emergency Intensive Care TuVECCA Congress, which we organized on December 7-10, 2023, we are excited to prepare for our 2024 congress by always desiring better.

In 2023, we aim to reach a wider audience by further maturing our congress project with International participation, which we took the first steps in our congress, which we completed with great enthusiasm and success.

"Differential Diagnosis" We aim to share information and current approaches all over the world in our congress, where we will discuss the subject, and we will have fun together with surprise events while hosting valuable local and foreign speakers. In addition to professional development, our congress will become more enjoyable with the participation of our valuable sponsor companies.

We would be happy to see you among us on this path that we continue with increasing success every year.

On behalf of TUVECCA Organizing Committee,

Congress President
Vet. Physician Aytekin KAMBER